Walking A Line (La Romieu) 2017
Walking a line – encounters through drawing
Marcher sur une ligne – rencontres par le dessin
Made of Walking, a week with walking artists from around the world at La Romieu, France. Organised by The Milena Principle.

Walking a Line (Tracks and Lines) – Encounters Through Drawing
A drawing project created to collectively map the surface of tracks and lines in and around La Romieu, France. I invited participants at Made of Walking (The Milena Principle) to walk a line, taking rubbings of the ground along the way.
Through physical contact of our body with the ground, our senses are heightened. These drawings offer a way to listen to the ground, connect to the past, present and future of these tracks and lines in the landscape, and notice what we might otherwise overlook. In collating individual walks, a wider mapping and sharing is possible, creating a visual language and system of communication that crosses borders and boundaries. It is both subjective and objective, fluid and changing.

During the week, there were a series of events led by artists from around the world. Each artist was also interviewed by Andrew Stuck (Museum of Walking) for the Talking Walking podcast.

Squares of Walking is a work I made in response to a 14km silent walk led by Geert Vermeire during Made of Walking. (incl video). Following this silent walk, I made the postcard watercolour at the end of a mindfulness walk around La Romieu, led by Mel Sutton.